My 180 Church” is a real church — using the internet for our communication. We are here to help you grow in your relationship with God, and help you through life. We are not here to condemn anyone, or argue with anyone, but to help people. We bring God’s message to you — instead of demanding you come to our location at a set time.

This is not to take place of the local Church but to strengthen it. Come join us today.

  • To provide an alternative for traditional “church” for the following groups of people:
  • Christians who are “drop outs” of the Institutionalized Christian church, for whatever reason, and desire some outside stimulation for spiritual growth.
  • People who are “housebound” or are physically unable to attend a traditional church.
  • Christians who are in a church but who desires addition motivation and inspiration in their Christian walk, no longer being limited by geography or schedules.
  • People who are single, single parents or married couples who want a method of introducing biblical teaching into their lives on a flexible schedule (one that you determine rather than the institution of church determines).
  • The non-Christian, a method is provided whereby they may examine the claims of Christ and either decide in a positive manner to accept what He has said about Himself in the Scriptures as truth, or to reject who He said He was and is today.

Those who may have a church in their home, or are participating in a home church setting and are looking for study materials to be used in conjunction with their home church activities.

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